What are you meticulous about?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Heck, I don’t really even care if all the words are spelled correctly.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What are you meticulous about?
I’ve never had a passport. A couple years ago, I entered a contest to win an all expenses paid trip to Liverpool. After visiting sites around the city, the highlight was a grand tour of Everton’s home stadium: Goodison Park. All I had to do was answer a simple question correctly (What is Everton’s stadium called?), then type a short blurb stating why I should be chosen as the lucky winner. Here was my answer:
“I have never had a passport, and have no immediate plans to secure one. However, I can think of one singular reason to expedite an application: to visit the home of my beloved Toffees.”
Spoiler alert: I didn’t win. I got the Goodison Park question correct—that I’m sure of. Which leaves only a few possibilities:
- They just picked a winner at random, rather than actually judging the answers.
- They knew my answer was best, but didn’t want to shell out for round-trip, transatlantic airfare.
- They hated that I used the redundant phrase “one singular.”
- Someone simply had a better answer.
Probably reason #3. Generally, I’m usually careful and meticulous about eliminating redundancy and preventing repetition.