What would you change about airlines to make flights more enjoyable?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Recline your seat, lower your tray table, and enjoy a complimentary cocktail while typing your response.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you change about airlines to make flights more enjoyable?
Imagine you’re a Peacock executive, and someone pitches you the movie idea for Meet Cute. They claim it’ll combine the MacGuffin of Hot Tub Time Machine, the repetition of Groundhog Day, and the persistence of 50 First Dates. You’re skeptical about rehashing old ideas, but your next meeting doesn’t start for another 23 minutes and 41 seconds, so you ask a few follow-up questions.
Who are the leads?
Kaley Cuoco and Pete Davidson.
Okay. “The Flight Attendant”—love Kaley. Flights would be a hell of a lot more enjoyable if all stewardesses looked like her. Why they don’t is a question for the ages.
They’re called flight attendants now—it’s right there in the show’s name. But you could just take a time machine back to the 1950s.
Kaley needs to get rid of that last name, too. It’s unpronounceable. And I don’t get Pete Davidson. What the hell do women see in him?!
Yeah, I don’t get it either. But they do; that’s all that really matters.
Yeah, yeah, the ladies will watch. Great. But seriously … Pete Davidson?!
Therein lies the real, unanswerable, question for the ages.