What manners do you always forget to use?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! That may have come off as rude. Where are my manners?

. . .here are my thoughts.
What manners do you always forget to use?
When someone asks how I’m doing, how my day was, or any such thing, the polite, culturally mandated response—after giving a brief answer—is to ask them the same question. It could be as informal as “How ‘bout you?” Or you can really class up the joint and rephrase their inquiry to make it seem as though you really give a shit about what they did this weekend. There are really three types of people in this world. The rare folks who actually, honest-to-God, really want to know about you. Those who want to talk about themselves, but don’t want to seem conceded, so they ask you the exact question they want asked of them. Then there are those self-obsessed numbskulls who desire to talk about themselves so badly, they forego beating around the bush and just get on with their tale. This third type of person abhors culturally mandated statutes of manners. It’s when interacting with the first two breeds that I always forget my manners. I briefly answer their question, then fail to follow-up with the same question posed to them. So, I guess there’s four types of people!