Q&complAints #078 : Makes You More Confident

What always makes you a more confident person?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m confident your answer will be better than mine.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What always makes you a more confident person?

Each year the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominates somewhere around 10 films for Best Picture. Does it peeve anyone else the Academy Awards also employ the Oscars moniker? I never go to the theater, thus never view all those films before the winner is announced to the elite Dolby Theatre crowd of multi-millionaires likely worth more than the GDP of Iceland. I try, though, to retroactively see all the nominated films in order to solidify my opinion on whether the Academy got it right. As part of this mission, I recently watched 1917. The film’s “single-shot” style rightfully earned it Best Cinematography. Amazing as that aspect of the film was, without the gimmick, it was just another quality war movie. Even though I still haven’t seen two of the nominees for 2020, I’m one step closer to being completely confident that Parasite was the correct choice for Best Picture that year. Parasite is just such a unique film. I mean, if I can watch a movie while reading subtitles its entire 132-minute run time—enjoying every one of those moments—my confidence is pretty high it deserved the win.