What do you think will be the next major event in world history?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’s really not a big deal; I don’t want to start WWIII over it!
. . .here are my thoughts.
What do you think will be the next major event in world history?
By the time this posts, it may already be a reality. Hopefully I’m dead wrong, but with the Russia and Ukraine tensions as they are, I’ll go with World War III. If nothing else, a major brush up like this is the incentive needed to learn a little geography. I mean, who really knows where all those central European countries are located? England, Spain, Portugal, Italy—no problem picking those out on a map. Basically half the damn continent is Russia, so that’s no problem either. I wouldn’t have been able to tell you a week ago exactly where Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania, etc. were, though. Full transparency, I’d probably need a handful of mulligans to get the locations of all 50 United States correct. Even if Putin backs his shitless ass down (why would he have a shirt on his ass, anyway?), WWIII would still be my answer. I mean, we’re talking world history here, people. Other than global war, what else has the ability to affect the entire planet? We’d need something unrealistic, like . . . I don’t know, global warming or a pandemic.