What makes you want to vomit?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Or feel free to vomit out a thousand word comment. Whatever you want.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What makes you want to vomit?
Vomiting sucks! So does attempting to spell it—never know if it’s one “T” or two. Too much alcohol is the only thing that’s ever really made me want (more precisely, need) to release my stomach’s contents. That hasn’t occurred since my mid-20s, though. I just watched the whodunit film, Knives Out. There’s a common element to film and novels called a MacGuffin (or McGuffin)—an object, or event that serves to keep the plot in motion despite usually lacking intrinsic importance. Examples include the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings, or the Holy Grail in 1,000s of movies. One of the main characters in Knives Out suffers from an odd affliction referenced as “regurgitation reaction to mistruthing.” Vomiting every time she tells a lie isn’t exactly a MacGuffin, but it does serve an imperative part in piecing together the truth surrounding the mysterious death. I’d really like to know what this story-telling technique is called. Anybody got a clue? My only near-regurgitation reaction is to coconut. Not vomit inducing, per se, but it does put me right on that Knives Outer edge. Then again, so do terrible puns and forced wordplay.