Whose love life would you never want to know about?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’d be loving life if you’d just write something down there in that box.
. . .here are my thoughts.
Whose love life would you never want to know about?
There was a scene in Family Guy some years back that I distinctly remember to this day. I find this prolific show incredibly funny, thus specifically remembering a single joke among its countless is saying something. Part of my fondness for Family Guy is due to Seth MacFarlane and the rest of the writers never hesitating to answer “Nope!” to the age-old question: “Too soon?” They also tend toward subjects many consider taboo. Joe Swanson—who is confined to a wheelchair—excitedly exclaims he and his wife just had sex. Bonnie immediately responds with disappointment in her voice, “We had what Joe calls sex.” A bit taboo, right? It does get you wondering about other people’s sex lives. However, not just folks with spinal cord injuries. Ever wonder about your co-workers, the mail carrier, or that 80-year-old couple who walk hand-in-hand down your street every afternoon? I’ve written in the past about my fondness for the late Stephen Hawking, but never once did I care to know anything about his love life. He certainly had some form of one, though, as he had three biological children after his ALS diagnosis.