What would you most like to “dis-invent”?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Feel free to dis any of my thoughts you disagree with.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you most like to “dis-invent”?
Video games! But if you think anti-vaxxers are vocal, go ahead and try to outlaw video games cold-turkey. We’d have to find a way to dis-invent them slowly. And, obviously, I’m an ideas man, so here’s the game plan. (I’ve done exactly zero research on this, so it may already be a thing.) Years ago, I heard about a computer game that you can only play one time. Once your avatar dies in the game, that device is permanently locked-out from further play. Talk about reality! That, too, may initially be a little dramatic. I, thus, propose a mandate that video games begin on the final level. If you die before finishing the game, your next round starts on the penultimate level. Die again—start on the antepenultimate level. Every life lost makes your venture to completion one level longer. I suggest no fewer than 1,000 levels, with some levels consisting of nothing more than a simulated 2-hour drive along a nondescript desert road. Eventually, gamers would get tired of their countless hours of boredom. With fewer people purchasing video games, it becomes fiscally impossible for companies to produce new ones. Mission accomplished!