What would you like to accomplish this year?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I think it’d be a big accomplishment if you commented even once this year.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you like to accomplish this year?
I’d like to respond to one of these questions with a single word or just a short phrase. Just once this year. Shouldn’t be tough, right? Not today, though, I’m already 4 sentences in. Someday I won’t have a topic ready to post at 11:45 on a Tuesday morning. Maybe that’ll be the day. My “rule” when I began writing Q&complAints was not to go over 200 words. And I haven’t once gone even a single word over that arbitrary limit. Initially, I didn’t set a lower limit to word count, but the majority of Q&complAints have been exactly 200 words (including the question). I’ll usually type until I have about 220 or so words, then go back to edit until I’m right at that magic 200 word mark. Please don’t waste your time counting my words, though. What am I saying? It’s your life; live it how you will. A peek behind the curtain: I type using the 2007 version of Microsoft Word. The way it counts words may be different from newer versions—no clue. For instance, this version counts an ellipsis (. . .) as 3 words. Happy counting!