Is pineapple a legit pizza topping?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
Is pineapple a legit pizza topping?
The film Licorice Pizza was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, but certainly not for its random title having absolutely nothing to do with licorice or pizza. The only reason I could conceive for the title—at least before searching the Internet to learn Licorice Pizza was a record store in 1973’s San Fernando Valley—was the correlation between the two main characters, and the idea of licorice pizza. Nobody in their right mind has even considered putting licorice on a pie. Similarly, nobody would have conceived of a relationship between a slightly portly, overly ambitious, 15-year-old boy, and a rail-thin, unmotivated, 25-year-old woman. Human taste buds beg to avoid that pizza combo, while state and federal laws outlaw a 25-year-old’s sexual relationship with a minor. I wonder if the woman being the older one in this odd relationship averts the statutory rape charges that might result when they inevitably take their relations further than that single on-screen kiss. Or were California hippies in the 70s far more open to free love, regardless of age? Given the choice between licorice pizza, statutory rape, or pineapple as a legit pizza topping, select the Hawaiian option!
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