Q&complAints #557 : Strong Bond

What is the strongest bond you have with an inanimate object?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Frankly, I’m surprised you were even able to read this with how strongly bonded you are to that there inanimate object.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the strongest bond you have with an inanimate object?

Leave the World Behind has a perfect ending.  The camera zooms into the focused eyes of a 13-year-old girl as she views the final episode of Friends: “The Last One.”  I said aloud to my wife, “Please be the end.”  I would have said the exact same thing had the movie been boring, but that wasn’t the case here.  The ending left storylines unresolved, allowing the viewer to imagine what happens to everyone they’ve met the last 2 hours.  The depth of the film’s meaning can be interpreted to whatever level you see fit.  What can’t be debated, though, are two blatant references in the film: society’s overreliance on technology, and the prevalence of ADD.  Having fully self-driving Teslas crash into one another, causing a roadblock that prevents escape, is clever writing!  We also see our teenage girl sitting on the beach staring for hours with singular focus at a distant, beachbound oil tanker.  Hell of a prognostication; Leave the World Behind was released 5 months prior to that cargo ship losing power and crashing into the Francis Scott …  Sorry, where was I? Phone’s blowin’ up with alerts.  

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