What is the last thing you purchased?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m not going to buy your love.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the last thing you purchased?
This question demands interpretation. I assume it pertains to the most recent money expenditure. But if you put an item on a credit card, yet haven’t paid off the balance, does that count as a purchase? And what about a mortgage or student loans? My student loans have sat unpaid for many months thanks to the perpetually extended forbearance, so that’s sure not the answer. Should a mortgage be thought of as a single payment every month, or considered a prorated cost each day, minute, or second? Maybe I’m purchasing a few nails in a floorboard now, a couple square inches of paint in the guest bedroom now, a fraction of a bathroom tile now,—. That seems a bit too pedantic even for me. Honestly, I don’t purchase very much in the way this question intends. Once or twice a year, though, I do order a handful of Everton jerseys directly from their official store in Liverpool. I recently received an email notifying me of drastic price cuts, then swooped in with an order using my “no foreign transaction fees” Capital One credit card. But, wait—the jerseys haven’t been delivered yet.