What is the most impressive thing you have ever built?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just build keystroke upon keystroke, and you’ll have soon created a great comment.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the most impressive thing you have ever built?
I’m no good with my hands, so that bird house I made in Cub Scouts wasn’t great. Fine … it’s about time I admit to it. It was good. Because my father built the entire thing himself! It must have been difficult for him to intentionally incorporate minor flaws to make it pass muster as though I made it even somewhat on my own. I have that bird house on my front porch right now. The best thing I’ve made will never be constructed of wood, metal, or anything in the material world. I’ve never made a child, so that obligatory answer won’t hold the water those birds on my porch are perfectly protected from. I’d have to say you’re currently looking at the most impressive thing I’ve ever built. Not this exact post. There’s at least one that’s better. (Read them all; you’ll find it!) For the volume, the consistency, the effort involved, the complete disregard for whether any individual post is even read—for these reasons, this website has to be the most impressive thing I’ve yet built. I don’t see any Cub Scout one-upping me anytime soon.