If you could declare any one thing illegal, what would you choose?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Please don’t cop to anything illegal, though.

. . .here are my thoughts.
If you could declare any one thing illegal, what would you choose?
Never open an email link from an untrusted sender! One click could download a virus that’ll reap more consequences to your computer than COVID would unto you. I’ve heard instances of viruses downloading child pornography to the deepest confines of a hard drive. That might just be the best excuse a high-paid defense lawyer could muster up to try to acquit her sleazeball client. It’s possible, though! Creating kiddie-porn is already illegal—that’s obvious. But I’m interpreting this question as though we were starting anew with no laws yet on the books. I’d begin with declaring the creation of child pornography illegal. Creating … not possessing! Should someone really have their life ruined for unknowingly downloading a virus?! Imagine clicking on a questionable email link that your Internet security system fails to block. The download begins. Simultaneously, an anonymous email arrives at the police station with your name, address, and samples of illegal content. In federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, you’re above rapists and murders on the This-MoFo-Needs-Shanked list. Best case scenario, you’re a lifelong registered sex offender. But maybe that’s what folks deserve for clicking on unsolicited email links.