How can you tell someone is a snob?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
How can you tell someone is a snob?
Imagine you’re a valet at a Michelin 3-star restaurant. The type of restaurant the average person couldn’t afford even after selling a kidney on the black market. A place so fancy, you’re forced to valet. Where the valets themselves aren’t allowed to put their asses on your car’s fine Italian leather unless its Kelley Blue Book is north of $80K. I’m not sure if such a place actually exists. I drive a 2008 Toyota RAV4, so how could I? These restaurant patrons are obviously snobs, right? Not so fast! Do what you want with the money you earn, inherit, or steal. The real snobs are those valets. These college dropouts make more in tips than many lawyers with $250K of student loan debt do. They get tips for driving a Lamborghini worth 4 years of law school around to the back of a building. They experience the luxury of a car they’d otherwise never be able to, then have the audacity to consider it an insult when only a measly $20 bill greases their palm. Damn valet snobs should be the ones handing out tips to each car’s owner.