If you wrote a horror story, how would the first victim die?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But, come on, it won’t kill you.

. . .here are my thoughts.
If you wrote a horror story, how would the first victim die?
Lots of people have a Concealed Carry Permit (CCW) these days. Odds are—in the not so distant past—you’ve walked right by an upstanding citizen carrying a firearm, with you none the wiser. I had a CCW in the recent past. It expired a year ago, but I have no intention of renewing it. I never took advantage of the rights bestowed by it anyway. I do see the protective benefits a firearm would afford in an active shooter situation. Especially as mass shootings seem to have become all the rage this year. I often imagine the conundrum of firing all 8 rounds from my Beretta 32 Tomcat. No more bullets to reload with. Those 8 rounds did nothing but piss off the gunman and give away my hiding spot. I could have just stayed hidden with my weapon at the ready, praying he didn’t come toward me. My last few seconds of life spent remembering the plethora of times I refused my father’s inquiries to join him at the shooting range. Perhaps that’d make for a deserving death for the first victim of my horror story.