What heroic act would you love to perform?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just don’t be a hero and try to write a whole novel.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What heroic act would you love to perform?
Whatever act I choose, people won’t appreciate how heroic it was because they’ll never know what the aftermath might have been without my intervention. If someone killed infant Hitler in his crib, nobody would know that World War II and countless other atrocities were prevented. That person would instead be judged as an evil killer of a helpless baby—similar to how the United States government now treats anyone seeking or preforming an abortion. We don’t have parallel Universes—at least not that we can access—so the effect of my heroic cause can never be truly elucidated. I’d be forced to wait until the very last moment to swoop in and save the day. Kinda like how the Avengers always save the world, but not until untold damage and destruction have already occurred. Instead of preemptively replacing the fraying strap, I’d have to wait until the last possible second to push that pregnant woman out from beneath the Earth-bound piano. But what if my life-saving push ends her pregnancy? The woman and I might both be in serious trouble because of insane anti-abortion laws. Being a hero isn’t worth the risk!