What activity makes you happy?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But it would make me happy if you did.

. . . here are my thoughts.
What activity makes you happy?
Writing makes me happy. Usually writing. Sometimes just having written. Always having written! Writing can be quite annoying—not unlike anything else, I suppose. Even a male porn star has occasion to glance at his watch, counting down the hours until shift’s end. His mind immediately realizing his Rolex doesn’t fit the finances of a pizza delivery guy. Should he ruin the previous 5 minutes of action and question the director? Or would it be prudent to wait until the climax of the scene, risking a complete reshoot of 30 pages of “script”? It’s exactly like this with writing! That is, if exactly meant figuratively. I sometimes don’t feel like writing, but know I should at least get some words on the electronic page. I explore an idea—like some random porn reference—knowing the time and effort spent on it may need to be completely scrapped and retooled. But eventually everything comes together. The minutes and hours of grinding culminate in a release of endorphins as that satisfying idea thrusts forth onto the page. It may be a slog to reach a happy ending, but it leaves me desiring more of the same tomorrow.