Q&complAints #188: Happening Tomorrow

What is guaranteed to happen tomorrow?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just don’t wait until tomorrow; you can’t guarantee you’ll remember.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is guaranteed to happen tomorrow?

Someone is guaranteed to die tomorrow. On average, over 150,000 people will die today. And tomorrow. And the day after. You’re sure to be dead by tomorrow if you’re on the beach in the M. Night Shyamalan film, Old. We desire medications to postpone many of these deaths until a later date. And we want these meds to be made fast, cheap, and safe. May I introduce you to the Project Management Triangle—the 3 points of which are time, cost, and scope. The consensus goes something like this:

“You can have any 2 of the 3, but hitting the trifecta is less realistic than Cincinnati winning this year’s College Football Playoff National Championship.”

I may have ad-libbed that bit after the comma, but you get the idea. But wait just a minute! COVID vaccines were developed in record time. They’re distributed to people for free. All while maintaining an amazing safety profile. We’ve managed all three points of the illusive 3-headed beast, yet people still find plenty of reasons to complain. Keep this concept in mind as you watch Old, and the twist will make more sense than most M. Night endings do.