Who would you love to have living in your guest bedroom?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Write me a message, then go take a nap.
. . .here are my thoughts.
Who would you love to have living in your guest bedroom?
Our main level guest bedroom is used primarily by my mother when she visits. Other than her, a friend of Phoebe’s may stay there while dog-sitting on those rare occasions we travel together. Some months ago, that very situation arose. Upon returning from the trip, I made a terrifying discovery. A discovery so horrifying—so appalling—that this person is in danger of removal from our short list of perspective dog-sitters. At this point, loyal readers are awaiting my revelation of the seemingly minor situation I’ve drastically overblown. Some insignificant action that in no way, shape, or form deserves the ire I’ve attributed it. I will accept your apology in advance! For when you hear the inexcusable action of this unnamed person (you know who you are!), you’ll judge my complaint to be understated. In fact, words cannot do such an indignity justice. This photo should suffice in telling my story.
Unless I come upon some dire financial need, I prefer the absence of a long-term occupant in my guest bedroom. If that time does come, however, I have two stipulations: the second being punctuality with payment of rent.