What is evidence that you live in the greatest country in the world?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is evidence that you live in the greatest country in the world?
For the sake of this question, I’ll believe the American consensus that the United States truly is the greatest nation on the planet. Seems a bit biased, but what do I know—I’ve been to so few other countries in my life. The film, The Hunt, is a violent, political commentary that can be appreciated by either extreme of the U.S. political spectrum. Folks are likely to garner from the movie only the facets that reinforce their politics. That Democrats and Republicans—with such disparate beliefs—can live together relatively peacefully, is evidence to the greatness of the good ol’ USA. If someone can believe that Hillary Clinton eats babies—or whatever that conspiracy theory is—it’s feasible to believe a group of rich people hunt other humans for sport, as the film portrays. After all, there are a number of countries with drastic wealth and class inequities alleged to condone human rights abuses. The Hunt even features a fake gas station, built to look authentic—not unlike the alleged faux grocery stores in North Korea designed to conceal government imposed food insecurity and famine to visitors.