What is life’s greatest mystery?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is life’s greatest mystery?
Does the dryer eat them? Maybe it’s the washer. Where the hell do all those missing socks go? Sometimes you’ll find one as you put your arm in the sleeve of a shirt, righty having taken residence there during a mutual drying cycle. They became fast friends, taking up residence together without so much as a text informing the sinister sock of its need to find a new tenant for the coming month. A laundering cycle can make me feel as though I’m a Revolutionary War general, marching my soldiers into a battle from which I know many will not return. Don’t get me wrong, I’m comforted in the knowledge that this allows me to purchase fresh, new socks. That brand new feel and smell—slightly stiff, with a fresh-from-the-manufacturer scent. New privates arrive, quickly rid of their bindings. Rid the top dresser drawer of those worn and torn, having faithfully served their time. Retired, too, are those whose comrades were lost in battle. But nobody wants to purchase new pairs after every few washes. Fortunately, some fancy sock companies—including my favorites: Bombas and GRIP6—offer complimentary replacement socks under a plethora of circumstances.