What bothers you most about your current occupation?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you do, could you limit your complaints to, say, 2,000 words?!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What bothers you most about your current occupation?
Working as a pharmacist, it’s fitting that many of my annoyances are pharmacy related. For instance, it annoys me when patients walk up to the pharmacy window stating they were just seen at the MinuteClinic. I don’t particularly care if it annoys them when I point toward the large sign above The Little Clinic they just walked out of, sarcastically inquiring why they didn’t just go there. Need to represent the brand; we don’t want MinuteClinic becoming a proprietary eponym. It seems, though, that GoodRx has become just such a term for “discount card.”
“Looks like the copay through your insurance will be $10.00.”
“Ten dollars! Will you try running that through GoodRx?”
If you want to create dominant brand recognition in a market, simply follow the methodology of those thieving bastards at GoodRx. Exploit a loophole that allows your company to financially pillage an essential service, while simultaneously saving massive amounts of money for your users. All the while, invest $100+ million of that pirated money each year to further advertise to the masses. I can think of no more despicable way to sear your brand into the noggins of consumers.