What would make your mornings better?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I bet you’d sleep better if you did, though . . . leading to a great morning.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would make your mornings better?
If they didn’t come so early in the day! Who’s with me? Mornings seem to come much earlier these days. Depending, I suppose, on your definition of “morning.” A second past midnight could, pedantically, be morning—thus I always stay up until morning. But if morning is defined as awaking, rising, and getting on with my day, then color me pale yellow to deep amber. Over the last couple years, I’ve begun having lots of urination-related dreams. I remember them only because they occur immediately before I wake to a bladder on the verge of bursting. These dreams prod me in not-so-subtle terms:
“Good morning, Brad. Your subconscious here . . . again. I, umm—well, we—we don’t really care if you wake up to relieve the tension on your bladder or keep lying right where you are. But, either way, we’re gonna need you to take a piss. We got lots to take care of up here. We don’t have time to answer phone calls from the Urinary Counsel every 90 seconds. So here’s, ahh, here’s this morning’s final warning.”
Mornings are so much better with an empty bladder. And dry sheets!