What gets easier the more you do it?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What gets easier the more you do it?
The best starting hand in poker is AA. It’s well-known that 72-offsuit (72o) is the worst hand: the lowest 2-card combination that can’t make a straight or reasonable flush. It’s simple to play correctly, though; just throw the 72o into the muck. The hand I most dislike seeing, is the Ace-of-spades and 4-of-clubs (As 4c). When the first card you peek at is the As, you get really excited and hopeful to see another A along with it. The As is the most beautiful card in the deck—the simplicity of its expansive white background marred only by a single, large, black spade. Peeling up the corner of the second card to see a 4 allows a jiffy of false joy since it looks so much like that coveted second A. Disappointment arrives quickly when you realize it’s the measly 4c. If it were the 4s we could still play the hand, hoping to make the nut flush. Alas, your anticipation for the best starting hand is for naught. It’s tough at first, but the more you do it, the easier it is to just slide that As 4c into the muck.