If you ran a funeral home, what would be your company slogan?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
If you ran a funeral home, what would be your company slogan?
I’ve been listening to the Science Friday podcast for about 5 years. When returning from a break, the show’s host, Ira Flatow, will often say, “In case you’re just joining us . . .” before reminding the audience of the guest’s name and the hour’s topic. There’s no need to lead with that phrase! I really like Ira and his nasally voice. But when I hear him say those words, it jars me a little bit more than the time before. It’s understandable—in audio-only formats—to frequently call out and remind the listener of what they’re tuned in to, what the topic is, and who’s speaking. It doesn’t, however, matter if the listener has just tuned in to the program, or has been there from the start. “In case you’re just joining us . . .” serves only to waste time. If anyone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows Ira, please forward this constructive criticism along to him. I do, though, think Ira stumbled upon a great name and slogan for a funeral home: