Where would you go if you won free plane tickets?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I won’t be giving you that second ticket I won.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Where would you go if you won free plane tickets?
The film, 65 (referring to 65 million years ago), takes us on a space-faring venture from the cleverly named planet Somaris. The ship’s exactly human-like inhabitants crash-land on the dinosaur-inhabited Earth. Here’s where the cleverness manifests. You see, Earth’s ancient Sumerians were known for their innovations in language, governance, and architecture; they’re widely considered the creators of modern human civilization. The two surviving Somarians, present on Earth for the final days of the dinosaurs, escape just before the planet gets pummeled by that infamous dino-destroying asteroid. That very asteroid played an instrumental role in allowing the evolution of modern humans, and, in turn, human civilization. I’d have paid good money for those tickets! There’s a saying that goes something like this: “If dinosaurs had telescopes, humans may not exist.” Of course, this thought implies the dinos would’ve been able to devise a method of dodging or destroying the giant space rock hurtling directly at them prior to the destructive impact. But non-avian dinosaurs did die out, allowing mammals to evolve and diversify. Some eventually became the Sumerians history remembers more than 65 million years after those two Somarians escaped Earth.