What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “F”?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “F”?
fiduciary: (noun) person entrusted with property or power for the benefit of another
(adjective) involving a confidence or trust
You may have seen a Fisher Investments commercial claiming they’re legally required to put client’s interests first because they’re a fiduciary. I’d prefer folks handling my money to do what’s best for me because it’s the right thing to do, not just because they’re legally required to. How do they prove their actions are 100% in their client’s best interest, anyway? And how are they punished if found to not be fiduciarying (I assume that’s a word)? Regardless, money remains their incentive—probably keeping a hefty portion of the profits they earn for you.
“When our clients do better, we do better.”
Almost nobody—professional, or otherwise—can hope to do better than matching the S&P 500 in the long-run. If I’m being completely transparent, fiduciary is a favorite word of mine because “douche” is contained within it. That being exactly what you call your fiduciary once you find out how much money they siphon off you. “Douche” better describes you, though, for not simply choosing a low expense ratio mutual fund.