What would make you question a woman’s femininity?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Frankly, I’m starting to question your ability to write!
. . . here are my thoughts.
What would make you question a woman’s femininity?
“How do you get anything else done?”
This certainly isn’t an unreasonable question to ask a woman. Alright, fine—it’s not a politically correct question to ask given its underlying implication. But seriously—sitting down every time you have to pee. What a complete waste of time and effort! Where do you find the time? I think I’ve stumbled upon the reason for the gender pay gap. I hear what you’re saying: “Talk about not politically correct!” But don’t get your panties in a bunch [as you sit on the loo . . . yet again]. I’m just making a couple jokes here. I am serious, though, ladies, in my appreciation of how inconvenient your anatomy is. However, if a woman stood up while taking a piss—or “leaving a leak” as my brother artistically calls it—you’d be right to question her femininity. Frankly, there doesn’t seem to be any other option than the seated one Eve originated. With so many genius inventors of the past not concocting a more convenient way, maybe there will never be one. We need a woman tackling the problem. If she can find the time.