Q&complAints #058 : Favorite Thing About the Zoo

What is your favorite thing about the zoo?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But you’ll be my favorite if you do.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is your favorite thing about the zoo?

I don’t go to the zoo often—maybe 5 times in the last couple decades. Frankly, I could do without zoos completely. Don’t get me wrong, animals are spectacular to view. But if aliens took over Earth, would you want them to put us in cages and gawk at us? Sure, we construct native-esque environments at the zoo, give animals phenomenal health care, they never go hungry, nor do they need to worry about being a predator’s lunch. But it’s just not the same as a life in the wild. Zoos, however, are great at informing visitors about animals they’d otherwise never encounter. My favorite thing about the zoo was learning a male lion and a female tiger birth a liger, which grows larger than either of its parents. But a male tiger and a female lion create a tigon, maxing out at a smaller size than either parent. Does it seem sexist that the male parent donates the first part of the offspring’s name in both instances? Is being first a sign of importance? You realize Mother’s Day is earlier in the year than Father’s Day. Just sayin’.