What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Think it over with a bowl of your favorite cereal; we’ll still be here after you slurp down that last drop of milk.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Grocery stores don’t like holes—empty shelf space where merchandise should be. Holes can exist for a number of reasons: hoarding, manufacturing delays, delivery issues, or a lack of employees to restock the shelves with the supply that’s on a pallet in the back. The past few years, we’ve encountered all the above reasons for gaps on grocery store shelves: the toilet paper and hand sanitizer panic; baby formula manufacturing issues; merchandise stranded on a cargo ship waiting to dock; and, of course, the great resignation. Whatever the reason for holes, retailers despise them. They want to be fully stocked. This doesn’t make complete sense to me. If everything in the store is completely stocked, it creates the appearance of diminished demand. A single row of fat-free milk remaining in the cooler triggers a perception of demand outpacing supply. I’d grab a gallon regardless of price or best-by date. If employees can’t completely restock the shelves, they’re instructed to front products—pull items forward to create the illusion of full shelves with no holes. I get quizzical looks when asking stock clerks, “Why you frontin’ my Lucky Charms?! Trying to impress a leprechaun?”