What is something you would love to do every day of your life?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I don’t think one comment a day is asking too much.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is something you would love to do every day of your life?
I love a bit of wordplay. Any semi-loyal reader will know that by now. When I saw a commercial for PNC Bank, my brain couldn’t help but explore the wordplay in the financial institution’s name. Go ahead—I’ll give you a minute.
Alright, you got it? PNC Bank = “Pee And See Bank.” Might as well call themselves “Urinate And Gander Money.” Unfortunately, they wouldn’t be able to use UAG as an initialism; it’s already taken by Urban Armor Gear, LLC. “Urinate And Gander Money” sounds like something I’d love to do every day of my life. Imagine being able to micturate cold hard cash every time you took a piss. Yeah, I don’t exactly know the logistics behind it, but let’s hope it’s not like passing a dozen kidney stones each day. Maybe it comes out as some sort of gel-forming liquid that solidifies into coins over time. I could piss my time away, right into an early retirement. Unless everyone developed this money-producing urinary ability. Inflation would be even worse than it is right now.