Who would be the worst person to “go before you” in the bathroom?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I think it would stink to high hell if you don’t.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Who would be the worst person to “go before you” in the bathroom?
Do you have any of those Little Free Libraries in your town? You know what I’m talking about—those structures that fool birds into thinking they’ve found a mansion, while really just a birdhouse for books. They’re usually in parks, near churches, or simply in someone’s front yard. I know of at least three within a 2-mile radius of my house. I recently finished reading Uncle John’s Greatest Know on Earth Bathroom Reader: Curiosities, Rarities & Amazing Oddities—Book #33, and I plan on donating it to one of those bookhouses. The real problem is none of them are in locations that allow easy access via automobile. I’m sure that’s by design; the last thing we want is a 9-year-old girl run over or abducted. As an avid reader, she’s clearly smart enough to quickly suss out that the Bathroom Reader is conceptualized to be read while on the toilet. All she wanted to do was choose her entertainment for the upcoming week. Instead, she stands there—germy book in hand—realizing she’s essentially just followed those men in the approaching windowless, white van into the bathroom.