What is the most difficult thing to do in sports?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the most difficult thing to do in sports?
They say the most difficult thing to do in sports is hit a baseball. Any summer afternoon you can witness thousands of baseballs smacked 10 feet off a tee by 4-year-olds in Rec Specs. Granted, when hurled toward you at 100 MPH, it’s quite a different story. I’ve never played baseball, so I can’t speak directly to that difficulty. But I have played soccer, so I can appreciate the difficulty of heading a ball toward a precise location. It’s stupid to intentionally put your head in the path of a ball that’s traveling at least half the speed of an MLB fastball. There’s a delicate brain sloshing around inside that noggin! Imagine practicing headers so many times you become skilled at consistently directing the ball into a few square feet of space from a distance of 12 yards or more. I played forward for many years—a position where heading accuracy is highly valued. Any ball coming off my head and nestling in the corner of the goal was total luck—not skill. Elite goal-scorers, though, make the most difficult thing in sports look easier than hitting a stationary baseball.