What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “D”?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “D”?
diacritic: a sign written above or below a letter indicating a non-standard pronunciation
There are a plethora of diacritic marks used across the languages of the world. Occasionally some of these words are borrowed directly into the welcoming English language—diacritical mark and all. That’s not even counting any created by J.R.R. Tolkien or George R. R. Martin for novel languages in their … umm, novels. Let’s run through the specific names of some of the diacritical marks I know: tilde … end of the list. Those three years of high school Spanish are finally paying off! Take a moment to go into the “Symbol” section of your word processor of choice, or press and hold any of the following letters when typing on your smartphone: a, c, e, i, n, o, s, u. Once you do this little homework assignment, you gain an appreciation for how the single word, diacritic covers so many crazy-ass looking symbols. There’s no way to remember the names of all—by my rough approximation—50 characters. So thank you, diacritic! One Word to rule them all. More than worthy of ascension to the Iron Throne.