If you could have one animal with you on a deserted island, what would you choose?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But, come on; I feel so lonesome here.

. . .here are my thoughts.
If you could have one animal with you on a deserted island, what would you choose?
Depends if I want company (a dog), or food (chicken eggs), or drink (cow’s milk). Then, of course, when the animal dies, I’d get a few days of good meat as a little going-away present. From the chicken or cow, not the dog! Then again, I’m all alone; nobody’s there to judge. So maybe. If choosing a dog, would I choose one of my own? While the pup and I would be together, I did just wish him onto a deserted island. Wouldn’t he be happier at home with Mommy, or … anywhere else? I have two dogs; would I take the one I like the most, or the least? That’s like asking which of your kids is your favorite. I can’t answer that! Instead of my dachshunds, maybe a larger dog would be a wiser choice to act as protection and help share warmth on cold, cloudless nights. Then again, a larger canine would eat more. At least the cow would primarily eat grass. Dog, chicken, or cow? Any would be a better companion than a volleyball. Then again, the volleyball won’t die.