What word best describes your health?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Don’t stress over the perfect comment, either–it’s not worth making yourself sick over.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What word best describes your health?
I’d been waiting for the perfect confluence of events: a dose remaining in a vial nearing its 6-hour expiration, near the end of my shift, with the next day off from work. The stars aligned two weeks ago. I can now proudly say, I’m BOOSTED!! (Maybe BOOSTED!! doesn’t require all caps with redundant exclamation points, but it kinda feels like it does.) The 24 hours after my Pfizer dose were nowhere near as bad as the pandiculation-laced day following my initial series. I was loyal to Moderna for my first 2 shots, but pretended I was at a swingers club and did the ol’ Mix & Match for this one. It’s fine, though; the CDC gave their permission, so it’s not cheating! Get whichever one’s available, because no longer is “Fully Vaccinated” the description needed to escape the ire of any sane person you encounter. Omicron now demands we describe our health as BOOSTED!! “Fully Vaccinated” is silly terminology anyway. I mean, I’m not vaccinated against Shingles, Japanese Encephalitis, HPV, Rabies, etc., etc. Heck, I’m probably 10 years past my 10-year Tetanus booster. Shit . . . maybe BOOSTED!! is poor terminology as well.