Q&complAints #102 : Describe Your Bedroom

What one word best describes your bedroom?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Sleep on it if you want–no hurry.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What one word best describes your bedroom?

Unisex means “of, designed, or suitable for any gender.” A unisex shirt is designed to be worn by anybody: male, female, both, neither. A unisex bathroom can be used by people regardless of their past, present or future genital situation. I’m a bit perplexed, though, since “uni–” means “one.” Thus I feel unisex should mean “one sex”: male, female, non-descript. Those briefs with extra room for your junk should be labeled “Unisex for Men.” A unisex bathroom should require a specific sign: Male or Female. I hope you see why I have a problem with this confusing word. I hope you also see why the word unisex perfectly describes the bedroom I share with my wife. She’s a woman, I’m a man. Since we share the space, it’s a unisex bedroom by the word’s actual definition. But it’s said a married couple is forever joined as one in holy matrimony, so we share the bedroom together as a single genderless entity. That fits my interpretation of unisex. It’s the 3rd way, though, that unisex most perfectly describes our bedroom. I point at Phoebe, then back at myself while expressing my desire: U-N-I-sex!