Ned’s Adventures: 12/06/19

Ned’s 2019 Adventures

December 6, 2019

Especially during the tough holiday season, Ned realizes his mental health needs to remain a priority. Not unlike 10% of people living above the 45th parallel, and nearly three-quarters of the inhabitants of the North Pole, Ned suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Mrs. Claus has been preaching the effectiveness of Light Therapy since long before the first light bulb. Little known fact: Rudolph comes from a long line of brightly-nosed reindeer. While he was the first to fly with Santa, generations before him found employment as mental health practitioners. Ned gets comfy while admiring the beautiful tree, all the while soaking up some much needed Vitamin D.

See all Ned’s (& Viv’s) Adventures

December 7, 2019