Ned & Viv’s Adventures: 12/22/21

December 22, 2021

Ned takes a seat upon the tissues before placing the finishing touch on the mirror. This addition just so happens to be Ned’s only contribution to the decor. During Ned’s slide show at the beginning of the month—sometime between her naps—Viv took notice of Ned’s poor attempt at decorating. She cleverly decided to send him on a fool’s errand, looking for some non-existent knick-knack in the basement. While expertly placing decals and strategically hanging garland, Viv could think only of the story Ned told about decorations in the 17th century. In those days, garland consisted of tulips stuck into the stretched out intestines of dodo birds. Tulip prices soared as a result. The dodo population, though . . . not so much.

See all Ned’s (& Viv’s) Adventures

December 23, 2021