Ned & Viv’s Adventures : 12/19/22

December 19, 2022

There are 2 types of People in this world: 

  1. Those fond of playing elaborate practical jokes, and 
  1. Those who won’t hesitate to dial 9-1-1 at the first hint of danger. 

Viv furiously digs through the bottle caps, desperate to save her friend crushed beneath the mound. Gloves do little to prevent those sharp ridges from tearing into her skin. Throwing caps behind her, Viv’s mind races with why Ned would be back on the sauce.  

  • Did he drink all these beers himself? 
  • How could he hide this from me? 
  • Where are all the bottles?   

A melee of emotion follows: Viv shouting for someone to call 7-7-6-7*, Ned snickering to himself, blood soaking Viv’s delicate hands, tears of laughter in Ned’s eyes, altogether different tears rolling down Viv’s cheeks. I can’t (legally) comment on exactly how events played out, but rest assured, Ned’s black eyes will quickly heal.  

*7-7-6-7 (R-R-N-R) is the North Pole equivalent of 9-1-1. Of course, R-R-N-R stands for Rudolph (the) Red-Nosed Reindeer. Rudolph being the obvious one to call in any emergency situation.  

There may be 2 types of People in this world … but there’s only 1 Ned & Viv! 

See all Ned’s (& Viv’s) Adventures

December 21, 2022