December 13, 2022
There are 2 types of People in this world:
- Those who accept the intended meanings of idioms, and
- Those who interpret them far too literally.

Viv climbs her way to the top of the white-as-snow Christmas tree. Ned takes refuge on a lower, meatier branch halfway between the ground and adult human eye-level. This was in response to Santa’s request that all his Elves send him a “Festive Photo” from their current appointments. Santa included the idiom “Low Man on the Totem Pole” no fewer than 4 times in his rambling newsletter. Ned interpreted Santa’s overused phrase literally when choosing his seat. Santa and Ned both know the finest carvings on a totem are nearer the ground, where they can be seen and appreciated more readily. By being lower than Viv, Ned implicitly exerts an air of superiority. Liv, on the other hand, just loves to climb!

There may be 2 types of People in this world … but there’s only 1 Ned & Viv!