Ned & Viv’s Adventures : 12/12/21

December 12, 2021

After hearing Ned tell the story of Santa’s heroic hole-in-one decades ago, Viv yearns to reenact the feat. Neither of them know how to play golf. Nor do they know how to convert yards to meters—metric being the North Pole’s measurement unit of choice—thus a precise reenactment this is not. Simply put(t), Viv constructed this hole from paper she found a couple days ago while making airplanes. Both Viv and Ned are certain, however, that candy canes and White Chocolate Sugar Cookie M&M’s are proper golf equipment. When a “club” breaks, or a “ball” is holed, you get a snack. Why else would you need a bag full of replacements? Santa, though, used just a single club and one bright orange ball when he infamously aced the terrorizing windmill hole.

See all Ned’s (& Viv’s) Adventures

December 13, 2021