What person or thing best represents today’s culture?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! People these days!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What person or thing best represents today’s culture?
Mask mandates nationwide have begun to relax. While they were in full effect, two main camps existed: those who wore, and those who wouldn’t. While COVID didn’t exclusively affect only one of those groups, the disease did wreck more havoc on those who wouldn’t than on those who wore. Those who wouldn’t wear masks were more likely to fall into the group that didn’t vaccinate either. Lack of the ability to smell is a cardinal symptom of COVID infection—some of that anosmia persists long-term. Those who wore a mask consistently for 2+ years were more likely to continue smelling the wonderous aroma of their morning coffee. But their ears may have been adversely affected. Constant tugging on the ears by a mask’s strings have led to permanent inadequacies in pen storage. I used to stash my beloved EnerGel snuggly between my ear and temple while at work, but there’s no longer that perfect fit. The gap widened. One way or another—whether you wore or wouldn’t—masks have likely left an invariable mark on you. They’re less predominant than they once were, but masks remain the best representation of culture today.