What one crime would you commit if you knew you wouldn’t get caught?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Or write whatever you’d like; I won’t press charges.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one crime would you commit if you knew you wouldn’t get caught?
Never get caught, huh? Just like Florida has never been arrested for the ol’ “Alabama Stick-Up.” Look at a map. I can’t be the first person to notice that Florida looks like a pistol, stripped of its barrel, pointed directly at that little sliver of Alabama.

With its permitless open carry laws, New Hampshire—the “Live Free or Die” state—surely fancies the outline of Florida’s geographical boundaries. I’d dare say jealousy is a more fitting term. I’d like to informally appeal for consideration to have Florida’s official nickname be changed to “New Hampshire’s Fancy.” I fancy it’d be best to commit a white-collar crime as my one-time, won’t-get-caught freebie. I’d want to think up something new. Something unique. Something monumental! A financial crime so lucrative, they’d name the audacious crime after me—the Ponzi scheme for a new generation. If in the future I got pinched for another crime, all that mula would help get me a comfy sentence with accommodations most free men would [quite literally] kill for. I’m talking cushier digs than the Goodfellas “prison” where Paulie cuts the garlic with a razor blade.