Q&complAints #035 : Completely Far-Fetched

What is completely far-fetched?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I don’t feel it’s that far-fetched of a request.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is completely far-fetched?

Say you had a college roommate who asked to borrow your car to drive a 120-mile round trip to pick up his girlfriend. You, obviously, say “No.” You wake up the next morning to see said girlfriend in your dorm room. Hmm, how’d she get there? It’s completely far-fetched that someone could steal your car without you being any the wiser. But that didn’t stop Gary him. Sure, he parked in the same spot, refilled the tank to where it had been, and replaced my keys to where he’d “borrowed” them from. But that’s about all he got right! Folks tend to like their automobiles set up in just the right way—almost ritualistic in precision. That describes me then and now, so I recognized a dozen or so changes. I can’t remember them all, but here’s a partial list:

  • Driver’s seat moved backward
  • Passenger seat moved forward
  • Driver’s seat reclined
  • Radio station changed
  • Emergency brake not on
  • The Club was on and locked (I never locked it)
  • Steering wheel tilted up
  • Wheels not straightened

Guess who slept with his keys under his pillow from then on?