What would complete your outfit right now?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Be honest … you’re reading this in the nude right now, aren’t you?

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would complete your outfit right now?
Many folks wear glasses, even if they don’t need them. They’ll put them on simply to complete their look. My wife has a few pairs she often leaves lying around—begging to be broken—but they’re actually for vision, not just aesthetics. I’ve never subscribed to the traditional concept of an “outfit.” So in lieu of answering this question with regards to the completion of my attire, I want to talk about the Hubble Space Telescope, because—you know—why the hell not. After its launch in 1990, it was discovered that the telescope had a minor flaw in one of its mirrors that threatened to render the billion-dollar investment a piece of amazingly expensive space junk. A mission in 1993, though, successfully applied what amounts to corrective lenses. What could have been the biggest bust in NASA history, turned out to be one of the most fruitful undertakings in its history. I’d say those corrective lenses completed Hubble’s proverbial outfit better than any pair of moccasins could ever complete mine. I only use complete here in the sense that they’re the final things I slip on before seeing myself out the door.