Q&complAints #142: Common Compliment

What is the most common compliment people give you?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I think you’re a great writer . . . but you probably hear that all the time.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the most common compliment people give you?

If and when we take that first manned flight to Mars, it’s gonna be a long trip! Even longer if we plan to return the astronaut back to Earth. Would you take a 1-way trip to Mars? The minimum time a purveyor of the red planet would need to stay on Mars prior to undertaking the amazing, yet tedious, 9-month return voyage would be about 3 months. We’ve all heard the saying, “When the planets align.” Travel to Mars personifies the epitome of that truth. Earth and Mars travel around our star at different speeds. Sometimes the planets are really close: a perigee of only 34 million miles. Other times they are on exact opposite sides of the sun: an apogee of 250 million miles, as the neutrino flies. Trips must be undertaken so that we expend the least energy and flight-time—a window that, once closed, won’t open again for nearly 2 years. I’ve explained this concept to many people, making the argument that it may be best to send the initial Martian-to-be on a 1-way trip. They often reply, “You should apply! They’d be silly not to hire you.”