Where is a good place to clear your thoughts?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
Where is a good place to clear your thoughts?
In the shower. I mean, come on. That’s the obvious answer, right? But what happens when your mind is so clear that into it pops the question: top-down, or bottom-up? Essentially, soap works by binding to oil and fat molecules and allowing water to wash it all away, leaving you clean and smelling like an Irish Spring. Thus, if you start from the top, you allow all that soapy, oil-laden water to careen down your body, potentially picking up traces of filth lower down as well. A form of pre-wash, if you will. Then again, maybe it’d be more beneficial to start washing from the bottom to allow for a squeaky-clean path all the way to the drain? We wouldn’t want to risk a molecule of soap—already maxed out with foundation, concealer, mascara, etc.—encountering more grime on the southbound gravity train. Imagine the conundrum if soap had to choose between continuing to haul loyal Makeupsville passengers, or kicking them off the train to take the Lotionburgh contingent to the end of the line at Drainstown. It probably doesn’t matter, but I’m a top-down man, myself. Now, what about bathing?