What would you choose as your child’s profession?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’s not like your kid’s future career depends on it.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you choose as your child’s profession?
Compared to the ball’s size, the goal in the sport of handball is huge! It’s not unlike hockey in that regard, but goaltenders on the ice take up a large percentage of the goal once they put on those massive pads. I suppose the soccer goal-to-ball ratio is rather large as well, but other aspects limit scoring such that 0-0 draws are commonplace. In handball, though, it seems like the padless goalkeeper just tries to make himself bigger in hopes the ball randomly hits him. You could almost see the expression on a goalkeeper’s face urging on his defenders, “It’s up to you guys, ‘cause I can’t do shit!” If I had a child (I don’t!) I’d choose professional handball goalkeeper as their occupation. This might set the child up for a lifetime of believing their successes or failures rely entirely on others. Or that they’re a failure when they pull the ball out of their goal for the 35th time. But imagine their sense of accomplishment on those rare occasions the ball smacks them square in the chest at 80 MPH. While catching their breath, they’ll be hailed as a hero.